Unique Story About Tattoos

Unique Tattoo on beautiful models
Have Seen people who have tattoos? People tattoo their bodies is not without cause and reason generally they have a specific purpose and intent behind their tattoos on bodies. Similarly to the following 10 people who tattoo their bodies with a specific purpose which eventually became a unique story. Want to know the unique stories that refer to any kind of 10 unique stories about these tattoos.
1) Tatto Penis
Insane action on the radio show contest with his penis tattoo that reads "MINI".

Andreas Mueller won a silver Mini Cooper car with insane action on the radio show contest with his penis tattoo that reads "MINI". Radio listeners heard the screams Mueller during his penis tattooed which also witnessed a female emcee. "Once I've won the car, then this will not be a problem anymore," said Mueller.
2) A mother who tattooed himself with his son's ashes
Kim will always carry a part of his son who had died with tattooed himself with the ashes of her son's body.
 A mother, who mourns Kim will always carry a part of his son who had died with tattooed himself with the ashes of her son's body. The tattooed mother with her ​​son mixing ink and ashes, Llyoid Evans who died three years ago due to drugs. Tattoos are created in memory of his son was drawn by her husband, who is also an entrepreneur David tattoo. Kim also hopes that they could also highlighted the dangers of drugs. 
3) A husband who tattooed himself only to reveal that his wife was having an affair
tattooed himself only to reveal that his wife was having an affair
Image tattooed wife and children may be very rarely done by men, but it could also be an expression of commitment to his wife. But unfortunately for her husband, Alan Jenkins, his wife was not too concerned about it. While Alan did the tattoo valued at $ 1,500, even his wife was having an affair with a man 10 years younger in the workplace. But even Alan knows that his wife's infidelity, he still decided not to remove his picture from the tattoo on her back. His wife, Lisa tried to defend himself by saying that he never meant for cheating, and also does not want her husband to get a tattoo himself at first. 

4) A man who tattooed his body with the advertising company

Get a Guinness World record for having the highest corporate advertising tattoos on his body

Billy Gibby will get a Guinness World record for having the highest corporate advertising tattoos on his body. He sponsors his boxing career this way so he could get money. Later he officially changed his name to Hostgator Dotcom as part of the promotion of the company's website hostgator.com. Until now, Billy already has 26 tattoos companies, including Liberty Tax Service, Host Gator, Grown Up Geek, and Cam4.
5) Brothels are offering free entry for life in men with tattoos

Brothel managers did not think that would be much demand earlier.

A biggest brothel in Europe flooded interest after offering free entry for life to customers who have tattoos these prostitutes in their arms. Brothel managers did not think that would be much demand earlier. More than 40 people came to tattooed on his arm, so the tattoo artist to work extra brothels to meet demand.
6) A mother who tattooed their children

Jojo Marsh tattooed her children
Jojo Marsh tattooed her children (the youngest was 10 years old) at the request of the children. Tattoos are pictorial symbol of the cross is made ​​using a guitar string as a needle. "We almost did not damage the skin," said Marsh, "they are very tiny, just through a few layers and the scars will go away," she added. However, Marsh and her husband, Jacob Bartels, face child abuse charges after detectives found the same mark on six other children. Marsh defends herself by saying that the tattoo is a demand for their children. She also said repeatedly that he remained a regular basis in order to replace the needle remains sterile.
7) A thief who was caught because it has the name and date of birth tattooed on his neck

He has a large tattoo that reveals the name and date of birth
Aaron Evans, 21, stole the Peugeot car and did not realize that the car is equipped with a camera. A police officer does not need to bother to find out the identity of Aaron, because he has a large tattoo that reveals the name and date of birth. The tattoo reads "Evans 19.9.87", and Aaron was imprisoned for 7 months. 

8) A man who has a tattoo of medical devices that save lives

He had a tattoo medical devices that had saved his life.
Since childhood, Matt spends his time in a hospital, so even as an adult. He had a tattoo medical devices that had saved his life. She has a tattoo on her thigh stethoscope, otoscope in the calf, and the x-ray on her hip. She loved the design of medical paraphernalia and committed will still have the tattoos on his body. 

9) A 3-year girl who became a tattoo artist

The world's youngest tattoo artist
Usually a child likes to draw, but a girl 3 years old, Ruby Dickinson, the penchant to make a higher level. She became the world's youngest tattoo artist who was trained by her father, Blane, who is also a tattoo artist in Wales. Ruby uses a special tool used to tattoos for small hands.

10) A grandmother who has the most tattoos in the world 

The most tattooed woman in the world
A grandmother who has named 75-year-old Isobel Varley was named the most tattooed woman in the world the owner. Almost the entire body is filled with tattoos Isobel Varley old grandmother began to tattoo her in 1986 when she was 40 years old.  




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